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Divine Creations was a name given to me for my company about 10 years ago. I had been studying John 15, trying to understand my relationship with God and my purpose on this earth. God spoke to me about Him being the Vine and tapping into HIM. He told me that I was a branch and that if I abided under the shadow of His guidance and love, I would bear much fruit. The fruit being the many talents he has given me artistically.

For many years I hid my talents, afraid to step out on a "limb" to start my business. I would occasionally venture out to utilize my God given talents but would shrink back out of fear of failure. But God has not given me a spirit of Fear... but Spirit of Love, Power and Sound Mind.

With the Divine inspiration of God, I decided to launch out into the deep.



Sheree Baldwin-Muhammad
Creative Designer, Artist, and Author


Sheree Baldwin-Muhammad CEO 

Artist and Author



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